Gratitude for this ride

I’m sitting at my desk, which at this point feels like an old friend. I’m staring at the Kinko’s actual size gloss print of my cover, listening to Annie Lennox. And lastly, I’m waiting for Tara my designer to return the second proof. There weren’t too many changes/corrections in the first one, so I anticipate that it will arrive soon. She would probably be shaking her head if she read this, thinking “What??? A third of the friggin’ pages had corrections. Are you kidding me?”

(Let’s not get caught up in the negatives, Tara. Bygones…)

But I jest, Tara is calm. I’d be the last to know if she really did harbor any ill feelings. She’s done an excellent job. I never tire of looking at my cover, love what she’s doing with the inside pages, and am so thankful to have been referred to her. 

I felt a little anxious awaiting her return of the second proof this week until I heard that little voice in my head reminding me that the journey is as important as the destination.

These last six weeks blogging about the experience of writing the book, working on completing the book, and beginning the process of promoting the book have put me on such a high. I’m walking about a foot off the ground most days and waking up at about 4:00 a.m., unable to go back to sleep. Continue reading my new blog here.

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